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Music Videos


  • A music video is ‘a commercial videotape featuring a performance of a popular song, often through a stylized dramatization by the performers with lip-synching and special effects .’
  • There are no limits to what you can do in a music video but the video does have some specific conventions such as the use of a range of close ups, title of track and name of artist.
  • The music video usually lasts the length of the song but it’s becoming even more conventional to have a narrative based videos. As the media develops and adapts to the demands of the audience different styles of music videos. The reality of TV format has also been adopted for music videos.
  • Most music videos tell a narrative and the music video needs to be visually memorable and engaging to the audience.


  • Promotion- one of the most powerful promotional platforms.
  • Promote style and trend setting (shows how ordinary people want to copy them)
  • Attract people to listen to their music and buy their albums and to stand out among the competitions
  • Creates awareness to increase their market value grossing figures for some of the top artists.

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